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Ariel's world of Atlantica and Eve's Garden of Eden can be easily compared. Both Eve and Ariel succumb to their temptations and then have to deal with the consequences as a result. Ariel is told by her father King Triton that she must avoid venturing near the surface of the water, in order to keep her away from the human's and out of harms way. Eve, similar to Ariel, is told by God that both she and Adam must avoid eating the fruit from the forbidden tree, if they want to continue living in The Garden. Ariel, like the curious girl she is, decides to disobey her fathers rules, as she ends up saving the life of a shipwrecked sailor, Prince Eric, her true love, and must bring him onto the land in order to save his life. She was explicitly told by her father to never set fin onto the shore, but she is unable to follow this order. Eve, after being told by God that the one rule that she had to follow was to never eat fruit from this tree, and due to the input and persuasion by the evil Serpant, who is the Devil in disguise, she, like Ariel, decides to go against God's rules and decides to eat the forbidden fruit from the tree. Ariel was not persuaded by the Devil himself, but she was persuaded by the next evil thing - Ursula The Evil Sea Witch. Ursula acts as if she is the Devil disguised into a mermaids body, and when Ariel is unable to get help from her father to allow her to live on land, she turns to Ursula in hopes that she will be able to give her what she wants. Ariel no longer listens to her fathers orders and makes use of Ursula's evil powers instead, in order to trade her fins in for feet in order to find true love with Prince Eric. Ariel finds love eventually, but at the cost of her fathers trust. Eve, however is removed from The Garden of Eden, and now both Ariel and Eve must deal with these consequences. Both Ariel and Eve disobey the rules put in place for them by those who have more power, and as a result have to live their lives with the results.

Atlantica or Eden?

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