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Ursula is the Evil Sea Witch who lives in Atlantica. She is determined to destroy King Triton and to become the most powerful ruler over Atlantica. Ursula believes that the only way to eliminate King Triton is to eliminate his precious daughter, Ariel. Ursula uses this knowledge to her advantage, and through the use of her spies, realizes that the one thing that Ariel truly wants is to be able to live on land,in order to be with her true love. Ursula makes a deal with Ariel that will enable her to live her life with Prince Eric, if and only if Ariel decides to give Ursula her voice. Ursula believes that this is the chance she has been waiting for. Ursula believes that Ariel will be unable to get Prince Eric to fall in love with her, and then she will have to return to the sea and live the rest of her life as Ursula's prisoner. Ursula truly believes that this is the opportunity she needs in order to eliminate King Triton once and for all. 


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